After Hattie passed away I dug through our slides looking for pictures but she was usually missing from the action at family gatherings. Luckily, someone (ahem, yours truly) had the sense to stake out the kitchen. Even our mutt Mickey had the sense to know that this was the place to hang out. And I am sure she was amply rewarded for her naughty begging. These pictures were taken in 1982 when Chris and Nancy were married in Milwaukee. Hattie and Con were kind enough to play host to Grandma and Grandpa Stevens who came to attend the festivities, thus we see Angelyn in one the pictures.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
TerMaat Road

These pictures of Dad and Aunt Hattie were taken on TerMaat Road, not too far from Oostburg. Here is a Google Maps link. The pictures are from 1989.
Wren House
Here we present the wacky wren house and its occupants. The picture on the left shows the door knob "perch" slightly better, but obviously the wrens prefer the top of the shepherd's crook for singing their morning serenades. Feeding activity continues.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Wren's Egg
Mom has shared how a pair of wrens has moved into a crazy birdhouse visible from the deck (I'll try to get a picture of that some time when the light is on it). While doing a little yardwork in the vicinity, I noticed what I first took to be a berry but later verified was a wren's egg. The parents are still tending the nest and we can't figure any way an egg could have fallen out, so we speculate this one's fall is the result of some maternal miscalculation when out for a spritz in the nearby birdbath. Hard to believe an actual bird can hatch out of something this tiny!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Go Ginkgo!
All that ginkgo talk last fall and here's what started it! As you may recall, when Mom first described its installation, it had only a Charlie Brown leaf or two. It's been doing well even with the drought. I took some close-ups so you could appreciate the delicate fan-like leaves. Looking forward to its golden splendor in the fall.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Go Westside!

I didn't attend Westside, which wasn't built until after I was elementary age. Instead, I stood on a corner a block from the site of the future school, knocking my knobby knees together in subzero weather, waiting for the bus to take me to the illustrious Greenwood Elementary across town.
(Above) Mom compresses herself into a kid-sized desk to enjoy breakfast with Westside second graders. The date on this is unclear.
Below, Mom with Vietnamese refugees in 1983. Not sure what happened to the other two kids, but Mom had a motherly relationship with Khiem for a few years and one of these days I will dredge up a picture of Khiem visiting Deer Lake. I believe there may even be some artwork of Khiem's on a wall in our basement which may need to be scanned at some point.

I will have to dig up a full-color slide of Peter in the glossy psychedelic shirt depicted here. (I had a similar Mom-made blouse). Gotta love those '70s!!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Port Sheldon 1954
Pictures by AK. Now this is my own personal hang-up, but I have a great deal of difficulty with pictures of Chris this small. As my big brother, Chris should always be, well, BIGGER! This Max-sized package does not compute. Also, who are these ridiculously young and skinny people posing as his parents? They still have that newlywed aura about them... Happy Anniversary (June 14) Mom & Dad!

Puppy Attack!
Martha & Mom
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Dike Construction 101 at Lake Charlevoix
Young Van Dykes and TerMaats get a lesson in dike contruction from Robert at Lake Charlevoix in 1964. Some Little Hathaways also present. Click here to browse the set or click here for a slideshow.

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