Friday, March 06, 2009


Libby Bekker called Mom yesterday for her birthday and that reminded me
of these photos of Libby and family from 1962.

Stephanie, Martha and Chris.

Baby Ann and Hugo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my. I was playing with "google images" (which I NEVER do) and entered "Hugo Bekker" (my father). I'm the potato-faced baby Hugo is holding in the photo at the bottom of pg. 1. It led me to the TerMaat blog. I actually have a vague memory of you and Chris though strangely not of your parents, though their names certainly came up often in conversation. Anyway, I was astonished to have come across this.
I'm sorry about the loss of your father; I've told mom ("Libby") that she should contact Grace. (Her memory is less than perfect; a little time might pass.)
Best to you and thanks for the photos!

Anne Bekker Sonkowsky