Friday, September 26, 2008


With debates in the news, I thought I would share these pictures of Connie TerMaat, high school debater.

From the Sheboygan North 1947 yearbook page above, we learn that his senior year he debated for the affirmative- Resolved: That the federal government should provide a system of medical care available to all citizens at public expense. They tied for third place at the Wisconsin Forensic League District Tournament and for fifth place at the National Forensic District Conference.

Below we see Connie TerMaat, debate coach in 1953 at Grand Rapids Christian High.

His debaters are listed as D. Monsma, A. Bos, L. Plantinga and B. Jeltema with S. Monsma and R. Baker in the back. They debated - Resolved: that the Atlantic Pact Nations Should Form a Federal Union. They had a 10-18 record but the yearbook explains that they debated against more experienced teams in state competition.

Here's a picture from the Grand Rapids Christian High 1953 yearbook of Dad as high school teacher. Or some bad imposter as it looks nothing like him. I'm sure the "Use your hands" quote is a reference to debating.

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